Donald Trump is quickly proving to be the same kind of lying liar telling lies as the GOP establishment he promised to drain from the swamp. Whenever I provide documented evidence proving this fact, I inevitably hear from the Trump…
In this episode of the Conservative Conscience, Daniel explains how the lies Paul Ryan tells about Obamacare are reflective of a broader terminal illness within the political system: the idolatry of the binary choice. Going through the history of…
If the RINOcare replacement for Obamacare shows us anything, it’s this; the Republican party is full of lying liars telling lies, designed to deceive Republicans and Conservatives (they are NOT the same) into supporting establishment Republicans with their money and…
In the aftermath of massive resistance to Ryancare/Trumpcare by conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus and the three conservative Musketeers in the Senate—Mike Lee, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz—Donald Trump spent a lot of time yesterday defending the legislation that…
I’ve been following the GOP very closely since the election to see if they’d keep their campaign promises, particularly the promise to repeal Obamacare “root and branch.” Needless to say, if you are a regular reader or listener, you know…
Healthcare legislation. Backroom deals behind closed doors. Secret negotiations on details that are unavailable to the public and legislators. And a process that requires passage of the bill to find out what’s in it. Obamacare was a bad deal, wasn’t…
During his confirmation hearing to become Attorney General, then-Sen. Jeff Sessions swore under oath that he had no contacts with Russian officials in his role as a surrogate for the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. But following revelations that…