In an interview with Joshua Green of Bloomberg Politics, Bernie Sanders was asked what changes he would bring to the Democrat party if he were to be elected president. Using the talking points we’ve come to expect from the self-proclaimed…
I have a blunt and serious question to ask you. When is the rape of a woman not a rape? Well, if you’re Donald Trump, it all depends on when you’re asked. In a new video released by his campaign,…
Even though he’s the only Republican candidate for president still running, Donald Trump hasn’t been winning by large enough margins in the remaining primary states to put this thing away. Heck, Washington state’s GOP awarded 40 out of 41 elected…
In my commentary yesterday, I posed the question about how a President Trump would deal with a Democrat-controlled Senate led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer–a scenario that grows ever more likely as we approach November–and how it will most certainly…
One of the concerns Conservatives have with Donald Trump as the Republican nominee for president, besides the likelihood that it will result in another Clinton occupying the White House, is the damage we’ll see with the down ticket candidates running…
As America continues to drift ever closer to her destruction, the opportunity to elect new leadership that could keep that from happening appears to be gone as it looks like our two primary choices for president have been boiled down…
In the aftermath of Donald Trump’s win in Indiana, and the subsequent suspension of the Ted Cruz campaign, it’s now time to sort through the rubble of the Republican party. And while it would be easy for me to point…