Do you remember the 1980s TV show “The A-Team?” Hannibal Smith—played by George Peppard—would frequently be heard saying: Following today’s announcement by Congressional Republicans and Obama, you can almost hear those words echoing through the halls of the Capitol and…
Category: Economy
Wasted away again in Obamaville
Is capitalism really better than socialism or communism?
The Banking Oligarchs
Only in Obama’s America
Liberals are always re-writing history, so why not geography?
Liberals and progressives have been re-writing major portions of American history for decades. If the facts don’t line up with your agenda, change them so they do. Want to win the black vote? Re-write history to erase Republican successes on…
A Look At Economic/Energy Solutions From Both Sides
The stalemate going on in Washington about the fiscal cliff highlights the two very different economic viewpoints held, not just in Washington, but across America: more government, more taxes; less spending, lower taxes. But there is a third prong that…