In case you missed it last night, the third Republican presidential debate took place on the University of Colorado campus in Boulder, CO., and the pundits are still trying to figure out the winners and losers of the affair. During…
Several years after the discovery that Obama used the Internal Revenue Service to target conservative groups who had applied to receive 501c tax-exempt status, Loretta Lynch’s Department of Justice—a clear oxymoron in this case—has determined that there is no basis…
A new report from the U.S. government calls for an end to what they are calling the “discredited practice” known as conversion therapy (CT) for homosexual, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youths. The report released last week by the Substance Abuse…
Are you a flat earther? You know, someone who doubts the reality of man-made global warming. If you are, you might find yourself in need of a lawyer — at least that could be the case if the recommendations of…
I wrote yesterday about how the same-sex marriage ruling in Obergefel v. Hodges by the Supreme Court was being used by polygamists in an attempt to legalize plural marriages. At the end of the article, I challenged anyone who held…
Leading up to the Obergefell v. Hodges decision by the Supreme Court—that’s the case that opened the floodgates to same-sex marriage nationwide—Conservatives and Christians worldwide raised their concerns about the “slippery slope” America would likely find herself on as a…
In their never-ending mission to destroy all who stand in the way of universal acceptance of their sexually-deviant lifestyle, we have received news that the Denver City Council has joined the Gay Mafia. According to a story in The Denver…