If you live in the United States, vote, pay taxes, and get your electricity from a utility company, you’ve helped the solar power industry. You support the solar industry through a variety of tax and regulatory policies—voted in by politicians…
The Supreme Court (SCOTUS) has been harsh on the Obama Administration’s regulatory overreach (remember Hobby Lobby and the National Labor Relations Board vs. Noel Canning decision) and this week’s decision on mercury and air toxics standards for power plants—known as…
The climate alarmists are practically giddy over Pope Francis’ recently released “climate encyclical.” These would be some of the same people who are the very same people who dis the church and its position on abortion, the origin of life…
The fact the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee is attacking the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) management—er, mismanagement—of the federal renewable fuel standard (RFS) is indicative of the growing frustration over both the agency and the RFS itself. At…
Ever since the announcement a few months ago that Pope Francis was developing an encyclical to address global warming, there has been a lot of discussion about what could be motivating the leader of the Roman Catholic Church to elevate…
New polling emphasizes support for traditional energy concerns has become a partisan issue. Large majorities of Republicans favor key energy issues—but voters of every ideological stripe say energy will be an important part of their voting decisions. Hickman Analytics Inc.,…
It was only a few days ago that I wrote about a plan by the United Nations to put America under UN control as a means of enforcing a planet-wide plan to end global warming. In the proposal, French Foreign…