Global warming, or to be more specific, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal, was in the news over the weekend courtesy of a Washington Post op-ed penned by two self-identified “moderates” — aka unibrow progressives — in the U.S. Senate. In…
As 2018 winds to a close and the failed two-year experiment giving Trump, McConnell, and Ryan complete control of Washington breathes its last, Democrats have been busy charting a course correction after having their agenda temporarily knocked off course in…
When Trump and the GOP helped Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats took 40 House seats in November — the most seats picked up by the Democrats in a mid-term since Watergate — they helped usher in a new era of…
Do you remember when Trump allegedly withdrew America from the Paris Climate Accord? I say “allegedly” because, as I wrote at the time, Trump’s announcement came with a little-noticed caveat: “…the United States will withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord,…
As a man who likes the title but not the responsibilities of the office, Donald Trump has proven himself to be America’s President In-Name-Only. From the primaries to today the New York Liberal with an “R” after his name has…
As a born-again Christian trying to work out my faith with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), I’m always looking out for the little nuggets of spiritual truth vital to maturing in Christ (Heb. 6:1-2). I’m often amazed at how some…
November 2017 is the 25th anniversary of the release of a letter by the Union of Concerned Scientists warning all mankind—or humankind for the gender-neutral crowd—to bring an end to “environmental destruction” in order to avoid the inevitability of “vast…