Category: GOP Hall Of Shame

Jeb Bush enshrined in the G.O.P. Hall of Shame

The evidence keeps piling up against the establishment Republicans as they prepare their attempt to take back the White House in 2016. Earlier this week, we enshrined Mitt Romney in the Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame for being too much…

Paul Ryan Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame

The American Conservative Union gives Paul Ryan a lifetime score of 91%. Not too shabby, until you look a little closer at his performance on several key votes. Consider the following provided by Matt Lewis with The Daily Caller. Rep. Ryan voted FOR: The Troubled Asset…

Orrin Hatch Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame

Ever since the T.E.A. Party helped Republicans take back the House of Representatives in 2010—along with gaining a few seats in the Senate—Republican “leaders” in both houses of Congress, in classic “cutting off the nose to spite the face” behavior, have targeted them for elimination. These RINO…