Where is the outrage over Jeb’s politically correct racism against Asians while excusing vastly more costly Mexican exploitation of the same law? Jeb Bush was attacked by the Democrats’ PC Police for his use of the forbidden term “Anchor Baby,”…
Bill O’Reilly says birthright citizenship was established by the 14th Amendment, which suggests O’Reilly writes more books than he reads. This past week, O’Reilly tried to bully Donald Trump into accepting that myth, which happens to be the biggest politically correct…
The talking heads of the establishment are heaping scorn on Donald Trump like squawking crows defecate on those underneath the phone lines where they sit. The long knives are coming out of the sheaths of the New York-Washington literati. Everyone…
Five illegal immigrants from Central America have filed an administrative claim in preparation to filing a lawsuit against the United States government. They are claiming $10 million in damages for abuse and neglect at the center where they are being…
At an Associated Press event in January, 2014, Ohio governor and Republican presidential candidate John Kasich said these words in defense of his big government efforts to drastically expand Medicaid in Ohio under Obamacare: “I have the right to shape…
As Ann Coulter has pointed out, this is the most critical issue of the 2016 race because this is the issue that will define whether or not there will even be an American nation recognizable as the “home of the…
Such a promising start, but it didn’t take long for The Donald to show that he’s every bit as craven as the rest of those supporting amnesty. Turns out, he stands for amnesty himself. Here is what he is now…