As a born-again Christian trying to work out my faith with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), I’m always looking out for the little nuggets of spiritual truth vital to maturing in Christ (Heb. 6:1-2). I’m often amazed at how some…
In an opinion piece published nearly three years ago by the NY Times Editorial Board, we learned that terminating people of faith from public sector jobs is not only acceptable but demanded if they hold politically incorrect views on LGBT…
Did you hear about the new set of directives released by the Church of England for schools and teachers concerning gender and gender identity? In honor of anti-bullying week, the Church of England released an updated version of a 2014…
The news of the week is all about Boehner’s interview, Manafort’s indictment, and the pedophile Kevin Spacey. Meanwhile, all conservative media is missing the most important stories of the week. Which is why we are here… In this episode…
Last week, I wrote an article about how Rocklin Academy, a charter school in California, had become an indoctrination center where LGBT terrorists programmed children into believing the “born this way” lie that being homosexual or transgender was the result…
Regular readers and listeners of the Strident Conservative know that I frequently provide information about the goings on about of radical LGBT extremists and their declared war on American culture. Often, these updates demonstrate how children are targeted for indoctrination…
If you haven’t heard about the “Nashville Statement”—a document created by the Coalition for Biblical Sexuality and originally signed by more than 150 evangelical and church leaders—then you are unaware of the latest battle in the culture war being fought…