It’s Christmas! A time to celebrate the hope for “peace on earth” and “good will towards men” through the birth of the Son of God–Jesus Christ. That is, unless you’re Microsoft or National Geographic Magazine. For Microsoft, it a time…
As the election season was heating up back in August, I wrote a series of articles calling on the spiritual leaders of America to exercise a little civil disobedience by rejecting the restrictions imposed on their constitutional rights under the…
Last month, I wrote a piece asking a very simple question–“Will the lame-duck Congress protect religious liberty for the military?“–after Democrats and RINO Republicans objected to and amendment to the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) known as the Russell…
Are you familiar with #5 of the Ten Commandments? That’s the one where God commands us to honor our father and mother. Well, if you live in the Canadian province of Ontario, you may not need to worry about breaking…
After the Supreme Court ruling last year in Obergefell v. Hodges that unconstitutionally legalized same-sex marriage, the LGBT movement went right to work advancing the next phase of their radical agenda by focusing on the “T” portion of LGBT–the so-called…
Earlier this year, the House Armed Services Committee adopted a religious liberty amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a federal law that specifies the budget and expenditures for the Defense Department. The Russell Amendment to the NDAA–named after…
California recently became the first state to create a so-called “jobs program” for transgender people looking for work in the restaurant industry. The net result of the California Trans Workplace Project is the legal sanctioning of discrimination against job applicants…