Back in June, during the height of graduation season, I wrote a piece about how an organization known as the Military Religious Freedom Foundation successfully banned retired Lt. General Jerry Boykin from speaking at a prayer breakfast at Ft. Riley…
Earlier this week I wrote about the need for today’s spiritual leaders to rise up and take a stand for righteousness in America by preaching from the pulpit on the political issues of today affecting morality and Christianity, a form…
The LGBT agenda has been, and will always be, anti-Christian in nature as they continue to target Christian businesses, schools and churches for complete and total destruction. Because in their world, that’s what tolerance looks like. Much of their success…
During Obama’s reelection campaign of 2012, Newsweek Magazine attempted to give his campaign a big boost with a cover story proudly declaring him to be America’s “First Gay President.” He earned this distinction following his so-called evolution on the subject…
While the attention of most Americans has been on the Republican and Democrat conventions, the Gay Mafia has been scoring major victories in the culture war against American values and traditional Judeo-Christian morality, starting on the final day of the…
The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform held hearings earlier this week on the First Amendment Defense Act, which was introduced a few months ago in the House of Representatives by Rep. Paul Labrador (R-ID) and by Senator Mike…
If you’re a regular listener or reader of The Strident Conservative, you know how the LGBT agenda has been exposed as a movement that seeks, not equality, but the complete and total destruction of morality and the Christian faith. In…