“He created them male and female and blessed them and called them mankind in the day they were created.” –Genesis 5:2 This passage of Scripture has defined what was formerly an obvious truth in all nations among all peoples of…
I recently had the opportunity to participate in promoting the launch of a new book by Erick Erickson and Bill Blankschaen, You Will Be Made To Care, that exposes the assault on religious liberty and American culture by extreme left-wing…
“Security under our constitution is given to the rights of conscience and private judgment. They are by nature subject to no control but that of Deity [the Lord], and in that free situation they are now left.” – John Jay,…
The conservative movement won big yesterday all across America, including Houston, TX. where voters defeated an ordinance that would allow men who “perceive they are female” to shower with women. So, how did Houston’s lesbian mayor respond to the vote?…
Ever since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision, politicians–including a few RINOs who would like to be president–have taken to calling it the “law of the land” when asked to take a position on the controversial ruling. In light of a…
I wrote yesterday about how the same-sex marriage ruling in Obergefel v. Hodges by the Supreme Court was being used by polygamists in an attempt to legalize plural marriages. At the end of the article, I challenged anyone who held…
Leading up to the Obergefell v. Hodges decision by the Supreme Court—that’s the case that opened the floodgates to same-sex marriage nationwide—Conservatives and Christians worldwide raised their concerns about the “slippery slope” America would likely find herself on as a…