In their never-ending mission to destroy all who stand in the way of universal acceptance of their sexually-deviant lifestyle, we have received news that the Denver City Council has joined the Gay Mafia. According to a story in The Denver…
The objectives of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) are referred to as the “Aims of Scouting” and they are: moral character development, citizenship training, and development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. The Boy Scout oath states, in…
As I wrote a few days ago, recent actions by the federal government are chipping away at our constitutional rights. As serious as that threat has become, there are signs that people are waking up to those rights and how…
Since Obergefell v. Hodges concluded, we’ve seen a rampant uptick of opinions from Christians and those in support of same-sex “marriage.” Just Google “same-sex marriage opinions,” and you can browse through all 18 million hits. But something has been left…
In the 1930’s, Nazi Germany required Jewish-owned businesses to register with the German government in order to identify them for a takeover by the Nazis. This eventually led to a series of anti-Jewish regulations and decrees depriving Jews of their property rights.…
A few days ago, I wrote how former cabinet member of the Jimmy Carter administration, National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, wanted to eliminate certain forms of free speech for offending Islam. In that piece, I also shared how acceptable this idea had become to…
In Eric Metaxas’ New York Times best-selling book, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Timothy J. Keller (best-selling author of The Reason For God) provided the following forward concerning the condition of faith during the rise of Nazi Germany: It’s impossible to…