Category: LGBT

How should Christians react to same-sex marriage?

Since Obergefell v. Hodges concluded, we’ve seen a rampant uptick of opinions from Christians and those in support of same-sex “marriage.” Just Google “same-sex marriage opinions,” and you can browse through all 18 million hits. But something has been left…

NY Times: Non-PC thoughts should be a crime

A few days ago, I wrote how former cabinet member of the Jimmy Carter administration, National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, wanted to eliminate certain forms of free speech for offending Islam. In that piece, I also shared how acceptable this idea had become to…

Cheap grace, Nazi Germany, and the future of America

In Eric Metaxas’ New York Times best-selling book, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy, Timothy J. Keller (best-selling author of The Reason For God) provided the following forward concerning the condition of faith during the rise of Nazi Germany: It’s impossible to…