In June last year, I wrote an article about how polyamory and pedophilia would be the next battlefields in the LGBT culture war against America. After years of success redefining heterosexual and gender norms in order to make homosexuality and…
The evolution from ignoring things done “between two consenting adults in private” to government-enforced mandatory acceptance of sexual deviancy has been occurring for decades, and the casualties left in the rubble of this persistent march toward Sodom have continued to…
Following last week’s pro-LGBT/anti-religious liberty ruling by Neil Gorsuch and five other justices occupying the bench of the “most conservative Supreme Court in history” that essentially rewrote Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to create an inalienable right to…
Yesterday, what some have called “the most conservative Supreme Court of all time” used a little judicial “abracadabra” to pull a non-existent inalienable right to transgenderism out of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act hat. Additional decisions released yesterday…
Back in March, the House of Representatives introduced a pro-LGTB bill called the Equality Act (H.R. 5), a bill that openly targets religious liberty for elimination and codifies the LGBT agenda via a revision to the Civil Rights Act. Under…
Last week I wrote an article about how the Chick-fil-A corporation was choosing profits over principle in the LGBT culture war when it decided to end its affiliation with so-called “anti-LGBT” groups and that it would cease to financially support…
In the summer of 2012, which is way before the Supreme Court ruling on so-called same-sex marriage, Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy put the popular fast food chain directly in the crosshairs of the Gay Mafia when he took a position…