Category: Liberals

Conservative Comedy 11/29/13

It’s time for some Conservative Comedy at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best Conservative political satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your weekend. Now that…

McConnell playbook: When victory is certain, surrender!

Current polling numbers show that Obama is looking a little more like the anti-christ than the messiah these days. In a new Quinnipiac University poll, the President’s approval rating is at its lowest point in Quinnipiac polling history–nationally or in any state–at 34%. This…

Conservative Comedy 8/2/13

It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I’m happy to bring you some of the best Conservative political satire I’ve found on the internet. It’s Obama’s birthday today, and the Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change…