By now I’m sure you heard about the alleged confrontation between Emperor Trump and CNN reporter Jim Acosta that resulted in the suspension of Acosta’s White House Press credentials. I call it alleged because Trump has a long history of…
Prior to yesterday’s election, Trump wrapped up his 2020 campaign road show disguised as a mid-term election rally in Missouri Monday night. While filled with the recycled rhetoric and broken promises we’ve come to know from his 2016 campaign, his…
Trump has been on the road a lot lately, campaigning for his 2020 re-election under the guise of supporting GOP candidates on the ballot next week and regurgitating his 2016 campaign talking points. When he isn’t blaming Democrats for his…
If members of the extreme left of the Democrat Party who promote violence against conservatives are being condemned by Trump and his buddies in the so-called conservative media for being “uncivil,” why aren’t they condemning those who support Trump and…
It’s an obvious fact that the GOP is composed of political cowards and opportunists willing to make a Faustian Bargain with the devil himself, if it garners them a vote or a financial contribution to save their jobs. Their spinelessness…
With the 2018 election approaching, what would you do if you were Trump and the GOP and you have broken every major 2016 campaign promise while subsequently accomplishing virtually nothing in the way of actual policy outcomes even though you…
While most of America spend the Labor Day weekend enjoying the company of friends and family with barbeques and other festivities, Donald Trump chose to spend his time doing what he loves to do . . . sending out Twitter…