Project 2025, a 900-page blueprint laying out the first 180 days of Donald Trump’s second presidency (assuming he wins), calls for an expansion of presidential power that can be described as foundational to the creation of a police state. And…
If you’re a regular reader or listener, you know that my new book, The New Axis of Evil: Exposing the Bipartisan War on Liberty, is due to be released soon. Based on my unwavering commitment to Christian constitutional conservatism, I…
In an ironic bit of timing, Ron DeSantis’ decision to suspend his campaign and endorse Trump for 2024 has given this reposted piece new relevance. As you know, I’ve been highlighting the most popular articles of 2023 and reposting the…
At the risk of being accused of being a chronic sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), it’s an undeniable fact that Donald Trump has destroyed the Republican Party and conservatism, but it’s also true that most of his success comes…
So-called conservatives like Tucker Carlson want you and me to believe they are defenders of free market capitalism, but in a recent episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, his social fascism colors shined brightly for those with eyes to see. In…
The Washington Post unloaded an ugly attack on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas recently when it essentially labeled him an Uncle Tom for being a black man whose rulings “often resemble the thinking of White conservatives.” The story, which appeared…
In what is becoming a frightening trend for lovers of liberty, Republicans and Democrats have been engaged in a war against “misinformation,” not because they stand for truth, but because they want to use misinformation as propaganda to control the…