I don’t mince words in this episode. Let’s face it, conservative media no longer believes in biblical values or holding the line on any modicum of traditional values. They no longer believe in holding the line on crime. They no…
Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election and related matters. Mueller apparently found no evidence of Trump collusion with Russia — I say “apparently” because Mueller’s report hasn’t been released yet and all…
Even though Republicans have failed the pro-life litmus test ever since the Republican-nominated Supreme Court decided 46 years ago in Roe v. Wade that women have a Constitutional right to murder their unborn child, they are playing the pro-life card…
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about how faux conservative Trumpists were a direct result of the faux conservative media. Choosing the wide gate of compromise over the narrow gate of conviction, clickservatives in the faux conservative media…
One of the unfortunate realities of the conservative movement in the Age of Trump is that it has become another arm of the Trump propaganda machine. Gone are the days when conservatives fought for principles like smaller and limited government, fiscal…
Yesterday, I shared some of the interactions I’ve been having lately with faux conservative Trumpists who are targeting me and others like me for fighting for the Constitution and conservative values simply because we refuse to worship at the altar…
As he does on every day ending in “y,” Trump attacked the First Amendment and freedom of the press by declaring the New York Times “a true enemy of the people” one day after the paper published an extensive report…