There are two primary sources of terrorism in America today. Number one: Islam, in its fundamentalist version, is a primitive religion of hostility and violence that’s goal is to conquer the world by holy war. Number two: our constant meddling…
Should it be permissible to freely choose who we like and dislike in life? To disparage certain religions because of their irrationality? To feel uncomfortable around two males kissing in public? To want to live among one’s own kind in…
Do you remember how, following last year’s elections, the new Republican majority led by Mitch McConnell and John Boehner was going to use the budget to stop Obama’s executive amnesty plan? Do you also remember how they caved, fully funding…
If you read my piece yesterday, you know that I have been accused of failing to display Christian charity for not accepting Syrian refugees with open arms due to serious security concerns. Well, it turns out that my concerns are…
News flash: The Islamists’ bloody war against the West is coming to our homeland, and we are not ready for it. Perhaps Obama now realizes that ISIS is not the “jayvee” and is capable of committing atrocities of historical magnitude…
Under George W. Bush there was no ISIS. ISIS formed during the Obama presidency. Many may not like reading those words, but they are truth. Under George Bush a ruthless dictator was deposed (& executed), thousands were set free from…
One of the objections to making Paul Ryan the replacement for the retiring John Boehner as Speaker was the fact that he was too close to the former leader philosophically and politically. It was believed that he would be nothing…