In June 2018, his trade war wasn’t going very well so Trump and then–Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin gave us the Foxconn Hustle, a $10 billion scheme that was supposed to result in a 20 million-square-foot factory on outskirts of…
From global warming to the free market economy, the Marxist ideology of Pope Francis has become a major part of Catholic theology. Pope Francis has always possessed a strong Marxist bent to his faith, and he hasn’t been shy about…
“So, what do you think will happen in November?” In a recent interview with Shannon Joy — her radio show is heard at 9 PM ET on News Radio WHAM 1180 — I was asked this question, and I responded…
As we look back on nearly six months of coronavirus hysteria, it has become increasingly obvious that the fake pandemic has become an excuse to destroy liberty and replace it with socialism and tyranny. We’ve watched as tyrants at the…
Following last week’s pro-LGBT/anti-religious liberty ruling by Neil Gorsuch and five other justices occupying the bench of the “most conservative Supreme Court in history” that essentially rewrote Title VII of the Civil Rights Act to create an inalienable right to…
Before the protesting and rioting occurring across the nation in response to the senseless and tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer ruled the daily headlines, coronavirus hysteria was the dominating story grabbing everyone’s…
The year was 2008. America was in the early stages of the Great Recession caused by the government itself after years of interference with the free-market “economy” in areas like real estate, banking, and energy, along with excessive government spending…