Due to the frequency of an ever-increasing number of establishment Republicans who are more concerned about protecting their jobs–and the power that goes with it–than they are protecting their principles, we are announcing a new “honor” for the Gutless On Principles Republicans. The November election…
Category: Politics
Redistributing Wealth From The West To The Rest
COP 18 started last week in Doha, Qatar, where climate campaigners will, again, try to get governments to commit to a $100-billion-per-year “Climate Fund” to redistribute wealth from the West to the rest—though $100 billion is already being considered “inadequate.”…
Exclusive: DOE Corruption – Appointed And Elected Officials Should Face Prison Time
An exhaustive review of 350+ pages of leaked emails regarding the Obama administration’s handling of the various green-energy loan and grant programs makes several things very clear: they lied, engaged in favoritism, and rushed application approvals to suit the political…
The 2012 Election – When America Lost Her Heart
This election has been difficult for me, not only because the most liberal President in American history was reelected, but also because of what it says about my country. There’s been a lot of armchair quarterbacking by politicians and pundits…
Conservative Comedy 11/16/12
Have a great weekend!
Leaked Emails Expose Dept Of Energy Deception
Benghazi isn’t the only White House cover up being exposed through leaked emails. State Department staffers aren’t the only career officials being blamed for President Obama’s inexperience, questionable judgment, and obvious cover up. A similar saga has just been…
Halloween – Obama Style
Today is Halloween. It’s a time when roving bands of children go door to door threatening to do damage to people’s houses unless they get payoffs in candy and other goodies. But what would Halloween look like if Obama’s redistributionist policies were applied? Steven…