We are about to close with the final two installments of this Special Seven series––the renewable energy (mainly solar) firms that not only received billions in Department of Energy (DOE) loans and federal grants, but those that received “preferential treatment”…
Category: Politics
Conservative Comedy 8/3/12
Have a great weekend!!
Obama – Black And White And Racist All Over
The color of Obama’s skin has always been used when politically convenient. Notice I didn’t say anything about him being black – because he is, after all, half-white – although it has recently been “discovered” that “The One” might actually…
Conservative Comedy 7/27/12
Have a great weekend!!
“Chicago Values” – An Oxymoron If There Ever Was One
In case you haven’t been paying attention, the folks at Chic-fil-A have been under assault by those “tolerant” liberals for taking an unpopular and politically incorrect position – which is one more reason why I love it – on the subject…
“Don” Michael Bloomberg’s Mafia Extortion Tactics
Anyone familiar with the history of organized crime in NYC knows about the Mafia. It would appear that the current godfather mayor of the Big Apple will return to those glory days with a new “my way or the grave” approach to…
Why Do Liberals Hate Green Chile But Love Illegal Immigration?
New Mexico’s best known export, the green chile, is being threatened by the “greens.” It is not just the green chile habitat that is in danger, it is also the cultures and customs of generations of New Mexicans—farmers and ranchers.…