Chaos in the Middle East and the subsequent spike in prices at the pump spotlight the failure of America’s long-term energy policy. Reminiscent of the seventies, we are, once again, held captive by other’s instability. Just the potential tanker delays…
Category: Politics
Political Pressure to Fix Energy Problems of the Future
The coldest temperatures in the contiguous states created a “state of emergency” due to a disruption of natural gas delivery. Power plants were shut down, workers sent home, schools closed, and shelters set up for those without heat. This was…
The S In Sharpton Stands For Shyster
Shyster (noun): a person who is professionally unscrupulous especially in the practice of law or politics It’s no secret to even a casual observer of politics that “Reverend” Al Sharpton has made a living as an unscrupulous politician. And just…
I just want to remind my readers that tommorow is Election Day. If you haven’t already voted early, be sure to vote tomorrow and help take back America from the hands of the Progressives. I am giving my space today…