In a virtual appearance before the 28th UN Climate Change Conference (COP28) this past weekend, Pope Francis called on the world to adopt his Marxist “climate change” agenda to ensure mankind finds “the sole path to a life of authentic…
In today’s political climate, where our nation seems to be ever more divided, it’s rather fitting that we are commemorating a National Day of Thanks. It was a nation much more divided than we are today that prompted Abraham Lincoln…
In the culture war being waged against morality and religion by LGBT extremists, one of the greatest casualties has been the Boy Scouts of America and its embrace of the LGBT agenda. This past summer, the Boy Scouts of America…
In a rant last week filled with Marxist ideology, Pope Francis blamed the US and the free market economy for global warming. Speaking before the United Nations, Francis used his appearance on the global stage to single out the United…
Donald Trump, who touts himself as the “most pro-life president ever,” played politics recently on the issue of abortion when called the six-week abortion ban recently signed by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis a “terrible thing and a terrible mistake.” And…
Democrats in both the House and the Senate celebrated “Pride” last month by reintroducing the anti-religious liberty, pro-LGBT Equality Act. The Equality Act is a proposal to extend federal nondiscrimination protections to LGBTQ Americans by amending the Civil Rights Act…
During the 2016 presidential election, a common refrain by the group of false prophets I refer to as the Fellowship of the Pharisees and evangelical supporters of Donald Trump was that he was God’s man for our times. I openly…