A pastor is facing a court trial this week on a government charge that his online sermon was grossly offensive to the point of being criminal, and the outcome of the case could determine whether Christian Pastors will be allowed…
If you read my piece yesterday, you know that I have been accused of failing to display Christian charity for not accepting Syrian refugees with open arms due to serious security concerns. Well, it turns out that my concerns are…
Without the evangelical community’s involvement, efforts to build a “broad coalition to pass major climate policies” are “doomed,” according to a just-released report from New America—a nonprofit group that claims to be “dedicated to the renewal of American politics, prosperity,…
In a series of interviews this past weekend by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and former governor Jeb Bush (R-FL), the two Republican presidential candidates made comments stating that efforts to resettle refugees from Syria in America should perhaps focus on…
As the world continues to mourn the tragic loss of life at the hands of ISIS terrorists, Obama offered the most pathetic speech of his pathetic presidency. While conceding that the Paris terror attacks were a “terrible and sickening setback”—kind…
The conservative movement won big yesterday all across America, including Houston, TX. where voters defeated an ordinance that would allow men who “perceive they are female” to shower with women. So, how did Houston’s lesbian mayor respond to the vote?…
On Monday, the federal government mandated that a Chicago high school allow a full biological male into the girls’ locker room for all purposes, including nudity, because the boy “identifies” as a girl. Under the ruling, the feds determined that…