A few days ago, Donald Trump took nearly every delegate in the New York primary. No surprise really, considering that the Empire state is the bluest of blue states, and Donald Trump–despite his claims to the contrary–is a liberal. Obviously…
In a campaign rally for Hillary Clinton the president of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Roberts, essentially stated that it’s impossible to be a woman and be pro-life. An ironic position to take when you consider that abortion makes it impossible for…
Over the weekend, the Republican party of Wyoming held their state conventions to elect the delegates they will send to the national convention in Cleveland later this year. At stake were fourteen delegates, and Ted Cruz won them all. You…
The reason Senator Ted Cruz swept the Colorado delegate count this past Saturday at the state assembly in Colorado Springs had nothing to do with party malfeasance, establishment monkey business nor any “rigging of the system.” Donald Trump lost the…
What are the sources of the interminable wars throughout the world today? Why are militant Muslims terrorizing Europe and America? What has caused the turmoil in Ukraine? Is Vladimir Putin desirous of reigniting the Cold War? Does he represent a…
In this election cycle, we hear a lot about the “establishment.” Most people are not really sure who they are, but they are sure that they do not like them. The anger toward the establishment is not party specific and…
If you’re following this year’s primary season, you have no doubt heard the accusations made by the Trump campaign about how Ted Cruz is “stealing delegates” — a lie being fueled by much of the mainstream media and conservative talk…