Category: Republicans

Trump Tax Plan: Pros and Cons

Donald Trump has shaken up today’s craven political establishment like Tom Paine shook up the Tories of colonial America. He has irreverently proposed genuine solutions to the invasion of “illegals.” He has attacked the poltroons of Washington and the talking…

Alice in Washington Wonderland

Government bureaucracies overwhelm our society today like locusts swarming over amber fields. Oppressive taxes stultify our waking hours from teen to twilight years. And the odorous rot of corruption eats away at even the honorable pillars of Washington as drab…

Boehner is gone – On to McConnell!

Hallelujah! John Boehner is stepping down! Now it’s time to re-channel our efforts and kick Mitch McConnell’s sorry butt out of his cushy position as the leader in the Senate. Make no mistake! Mickey is just as hostile—if not more…