The talking heads of the establishment are heaping scorn on Donald Trump like squawking crows defecate on those underneath the phone lines where they sit. The long knives are coming out of the sheaths of the New York-Washington literati. Everyone…
Via the Weekly Standard and the Federalist, there’s a lot of talk within the world of social conservatives about an exchange between Republican presidential candidate John Kasich and an audience member at a town hall meeting Wednesday afternoon. In the…
Jeb Bush—Republican candidate for president and member of the Gutless On Principles (GOP) Hall of Shame—feels that recent efforts to restrict the power of the National Security Agency to spy on the American people should cease and desist. Not only…
At an Associated Press event in January, 2014, Ohio governor and Republican presidential candidate John Kasich said these words in defense of his big government efforts to drastically expand Medicaid in Ohio under Obamacare: “I have the right to shape…
In late July we learned of the extreme courage on display by Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) when he filed a motion to remove Nancy Pelosi’s favorite Republican, John Boehner, as the Speaker of the House — a move that conservatives…
Ever since the heartbreaking revelation that Planned Parenthood is involved in selling the body parts of the babies murdered in their mother’s womb, the Republican candidates for president have unanimously called for defunding the Naziesque baby-killing factory, including Mr. Donald…
As Ann Coulter has pointed out, this is the most critical issue of the 2016 race because this is the issue that will define whether or not there will even be an American nation recognizable as the “home of the…