Trump, DACA, and DREAMers were in the news again recently. And just like every other time they are mentioned in the same sentence, it wasn’t what you’d consider “good” news. Just shy of three weeks ago, Trump, DACA, and DREAMers…
Category: Republicans
GOP coronavirus stimulus : Bad for America, great for the 2020 election
Gun control agenda in Virginia could be going national
House Defense bill gives military a raise, takes away Second Amendment
GOP ready to give Democrats trillions in yet another coronavirus bailout
Win or lose in November, Trump and Trumpism is here to stay
BLM’s revolutionary narrative vs. the truth, freedom, and liberty of us all
Today’s progressives push the revolutionary Marxist/Black Lives Matter narrative against the Constitution and its alleged “White Supremacy,” but the pro-slavery/anti-Reconstruction progressives were denouncing it in 1868 for its “Negro Supremacy.” Which begs the question, is this an example of progressivism…