Louis Farrakhan – Leader of the Nation of Islam
In the postmortem of a very disappointing election, Democrats are taking steps to re-create their party as they prepare for a very gloomy-looking future. But if you think that means they will work on becoming the more-inclusive party they always claimed to be, you’d be wrong. Instead, they appear to be even more resolute in their dedication to the extremist, left-wing philosophy that cost them the election.
With the Democrat National Committee Chair position currently vacant—due to the resignation of scandal-plagued Debbie Wasserman-Schultz—Democrats are lining up to support Representative Keith Ellison (MN) as the new Chairman of the DNC. If that name sounds familiar, it may be due to the fact that Ellison became the first Muslim ever elected to Congress.
Now, it’s not his religion that concerns me, nor should it concern Democrats and Republicans, rather, it’s his history leading up to his election in 2006 as the representative of Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District—a history complete with connections to the anti-Semitic and anti-American Nation of Islam. Some of the people Ellison associated with during his involvement with the Nation of Islam included Louis Farrakhan and Khalid Abdul Muhammad, both of whom have long histories of calling for violence against whites, Jews, and homosexuals.
In a piece featured on DailyWire.com by Ben Shapiro, we also learn that since becoming a member of Congress, Ellison has supported the impeachment of Dick Chaney, compared George W. Bush to Hitler, and blamed Bush for 9-11. In the days before he became a member of Congress, Ellison put his radical anti-Israel beliefs on full display when he compared Israel to South African apartheid—a position held by the Obama administration. In addition, Ellison demanded that Israel grant concessions to the terrorist group, Hamas—coincidentally also supported by Obama.
By the way, separate from all this, Ellison also shared his views regarding the Second Amendment when in a 2014 interview with Bill Maher, he expressed his desire to see Democrats boldly come out in opposition to the right to bear arms.
It’s no accident that America has grown more divided along racial, national, and religious lines under Obama. More importantly, this move by the Democrats to promote Ellison to Chairman of the DNC proves that these divisions are likely to get a lot worse before they get better—if they get better at all.
David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative, your source for opinion that’s politically-incorrect and always “right.” His articles can also be found on RedState.com.
His daily radio commentary is nationally syndicated with Salem Radio Network and can be heard on stations across America.