CPAC 2018: A campaign rally for Trump and his Trumplican agenda

In the days leading up to last year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), I wrote about how the event hosted by the American Conservative Union (ACU) had replaced conservatism with compromise. Trading their principles for profit, CPAC repackaged the conservative movement into a compromised product sold to the highest bidder.

CPAC 2017 was filled with a host of speakers who had little in common with conservatism, including Donald Trump, and unfortunately, the 2018 edition has continued the tradition. Selling its conservative soul to the National Populist devil, the ACU has become for all intents and purposes a political action committee promoting the Trumplican Party platform.

In addition to featuring Trump and most of his administration, the CPAC 2018 itinerary includes appearances by members of Trump Pravda (FOX News and Breitbart). There will be panels focusing on a host of issues to conservatives Trump, such as: how the “Trump Effect” has impacted national politics hijacked conservatism, and how the Russia investigation is fake news—featuring an appearance by Trump’s favorite member of the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes.

One of the most obvious indicators of how CPAC has lost its way was confirmed yesterday in the appearance of French Nationalist Socialist Marion Maréchal-Le Pen. Le Pen’s party affiliation is with the National Front Party in France, a party that questions the holocaust, but ACU Chairman and CPAC organizer Matt Schlapp extended the invitation anyway because Le Pen is a Trump supporter.

Le Pen’s appearance was so controversial that it prompted a Twitter war between Schlapp and National Review Senior Editor Jonah Goldberg who questioned the wisdom of her appearance at CPAC.

Did you catch Schlapp’s defense of Le Pen when he said that she “has moved away from the politics of her forbearers”? Rather ironic when you think about it since that’s exactly what Schlapp and the ACU has done with conservatives; they too have moved away from their forbearers.

In 2017, CPAC replaced conservatism with compromise, but in 2018 it’s they have found other “C” words to replace conservatism with. Counterfeit. Capitulation. Cowardice. Craven. Corrupt. Crooked. Contrived. Clandestine. Con-artists. Well, you get the idea.

In the age of the Trumplican Party, conservatism is dead, and the ACU’s decision to turn CPAC into a Trump campaign rally confirms this sad reality.



David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are featured on,, and

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