Despite what other ‘conservatives’ do, I remain Never Trump/Never GOP
In the summer of 2016, when the Republican Convention was hijacked by the Republican National Committee to ensure Donald Trump’s nomination, I wrote an article declaring that as a conservative, I had moved from being only “Never Trump” to also being “Never GOP.”
The reason I decided to make this move was twofold. First, steamrolling conservatives who were opposed to Trump’s nomination solidified the GOP’s standing as an enemy to the Constitution and conservative values. Second, selecting Trump as the Republican Party’s standard bearer meant the destruction of the conservative movement was complete.
This came as no surprise to those who refused to drink the orange Kool-Aid. The post-Ronald Reagan Republican Party had been working on destroying their conservative base ever since The Gipper turned over the reins to George H.W. Bush and rode off into the California sunset. Their work was launched in 2012 when Republicans changed the rules to weed conservatives out of presidential primaries to make it easier for Mitt Romney, and it culminated in 2014 when control of the Republican Party was handed over to Mitch McConnell in order to wage an all-out war against the TEA Party and other conservative groups.
In the days following the 2016 election, Trump and the GOP confirmed that I made the right decision to become Never Trump and Never GOP by advancing the socialist/Marxist agenda of the far left, thus proving that there wasn’t a dime’s worth of difference between them and the Democrat Party. My decision was further confirmed when Republican fundraising groups like the Senate Conservatives Fund sold out to Donald Trump, and when so-called conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus betrayed our values when the first sold out to Trump and then the Republican establishment itself.
Sadly, the Gospel of Jesus Christ was also severely damaged by Donald Trump and the Republican Party when the Fellowship of the Pharisees spread the cheap grace lukewarm gospel, trading morality and Christian values for political power and a seat at Trump’s table. Jerry Falwell, Jr., Robert Jeffress, Franklin Graham, and many others in the Fellowship not only gave Trump a “mulligan” for his immorality and lack of character, but they also attacked Christians for not supporting him.
The completion of Trump’s trifecta of destruction is, of course, the so-called conservative media. Once considered the defenders of the Constitution and conservative values, media outlets like BlazeTV became a pro-Trump echo chamber and the home of faux conservatives.
These are just a few examples of the betrayals and compromises made by faux conservatives who desperately look for ways to rationalize their #NotHillary vote in 2016, despite every fear expressed about Trump’s lack of character and morality being realized. Using the same double-speak and lying often used by Trump himself, these cult-like followers of the NY liberal continue to heap unconditional praise on him while scolding — or worse — the “nonbelievers” who refused to do so.
Donald Trump’s bought-and-paid-for Republican Party don’t represent conservative values, which is why I am “Never GOP.” And while some continue to file me away as an “Orange Man Bad” conservative for refusing to bow at Trump’s altar, I’m also “Never Trump.”
I’m a Constitutional conservative and a Christian, and that’s never going to change.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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