Faux conservative media ignores Trump and GOP lies on abortion

Even though Republicans have failed the pro-life litmus test ever since the Republican-nominated Supreme Court decided 46 years ago in Roe v. Wade that women have a Constitutional right to murder their unborn child, they are playing the pro-life card once again for political purposes in preparation for the 2020 election.

This was extremely obvious last month when Mitch McConnell held a show vote on the “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act,” a bill introduced by Sen. Ben Sasse mandating medical care for babies that survive the abortion procedure attempted murder.

Like the GOP itself during the past two years of full control of Washington, the bill did nothing to bring an end to abortion. It did, however, give Mitch McConnell and the Republicans a nice political talking point to add to their 2020 election arsenal.

“This stunning, stunning extremism” will not “be the last word on the subject.”

By the way, Republicans played this same game in 2018 — an election year — with a House version of the BAASPA that died in the Senate.

I wrote last week about BlazeTV and how it had become a pro-Trump echo chamber and home of faux conservatives. In the piece, I mentioned an episode of Steve Deace’s show where he pointed out the Democrats’ “worship of abortion” and called on conservatives to “cheer” Donald Trump because he was using late-term abortion as a campaign issue.

In a rebuttal on his show the day after my article, Deace and his crew accused me of being in the “orange man bad” anti-Trump cult where criticism of Trump is only happens because we’re talking about Trump. Aside from the obvious attempt to dismiss my opinion without addressing it, my conclusions were based on Trump’s non-conservative policies, his track record of doublemindedness and broken promises regarding abortion, and BlazeTV’s decision to promote Trump as the savior of the Republic.

Yes, the Democrat party is the party of abortion and infanticide. Heck, the party’s 2016 platform championed Planned Parenthood and promised to protect government funding of their infanticide services. The platform also called for Democrats to overturn “all federal and state laws that impede a woman’s access to abortion, including repealing of the Hyde Amendment.”

The Democrat-controlled House has begun working on ways to repeal the Hyde Amendment. Claiming to possess a “pro-choice majority,” they are looking to find new ways for public funds to be used to murder the unborn, including coverage for abortions under Medicaid along with mandating abortion coverage under other government healthcare plans.

Here’s a fun fact: the much-ballyhooed Medicare for All single-payer healthcare plan being promoted by nearly every Democrat presidential candidate and some “conservative socialists” mandates coverage for abortion services. Once we have single-payer, every American will be funding the murder of unborn babies. Look for it to be included in the 2020 Democrat platform.

So, this means Deace was right about the Democrats, right? Yes, but he and others in the faux conservative media have turned this reality into a “squirrel moment” to distract voters away from the hypocrisy and lies we get from Trump — and by default, the GOP — on the abortion issue. Pointing to the obvious extremism of the Democrat Party while giving Trump a pass on abortion and “cheering” him for using it as a political weapon to get re-elected is nothing more than another edition of the #notDemocrat game we get from the GOP every election season.

Democrats haven’t had to worry about keeping their platform promise to protect Planned Parenthood because Trump and the GOP have been keeping that promise for them by not only continuing their funding, but increasing it. They have also increased funding for harvesting body parts from aborted babies for research purposes, included experiments using human fetal tissue on mice — tissue that comes from Planned Parenthood.

Democrats are pro-abortion to the extreme and Republicans are no different. But the GOP gets to hide behind the cover of a so-called conservative media that is all too willing to play the deceptive #notDemocrat game while “cheering” Trump and the GOP for tickling their ears.



David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on NOQReport.com.

His daily radio commentary is distributed by the Salem Radio Network and is heard on stations across America.

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