I’m still walking the lonely road of conservatism, but it’s getting lonelier

lonely road of conservatism

I wrote an article two years ago about walking the lonely road of conservatism in the Age of Trump and what to do when it gets lonelier. But even before Trump, walking the road of conservatism has been a lonely journey, and it’s getting lonelier with each passing day.

When I write articles about the lonely road of conservatism, I always share how my mission to be a leading voice in the call for a return to our values faces overwhelming opposition from not only the Far-Left, but also from Republicans and so-called conservatives.

Being a conservative in the Age of Trump often left me feeling alone in the fight for conservatism, and the tyranny we’ve experienced over the past year of coronavirus hysteria has intensified that feeling as we witness what could be the last days of liberty and freedom.

I’ve never been shy about taking a stand in defense of my Christian faith and how today’s lukewarm cheap grace church has destroyed the Good News of Jesus Christ; creating political conditions similar to those that gave rise to Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany. Nor have I been shy about the stand I take in defense of my constitutional conservative values and how today’s Republican/Democrat duopoly has destroyed liberty; giving rise to tyranny.

Obviously, this has put me at odds with Democrats and the far-left, but it has also put me at odds with Republicans and so-called conservatives — a position that isn’t very lucrative personally or professionally. Clearly, standing for my faith, the Constitution, and conservative values came with a host of disadvantages, but that wasn’t always the case.

In the days of Obama, standing for conservative values was easy. After all, Obama was a Democrat with heavy socialist leanings, so opposing him was not only acceptable, but encouraged. This is what gave rise to the TEA Party and other conservative movements, and it helped give Republicans control of Congress.

But, alas, Republicans revealed themselves as spineless cowards who used the conservative movement for their own political gain, leveraging their newfound power to join Democrats to advance the agenda of Barak Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.

Things didn’t get any better after Obama left. In fact, they got worse when the former party of Reagan made a life-long Democrat with an “R” after his name the Republican standard bearer. Trump and the Republican Party joined forces to destroy conservatism and create a new party where Trumpism is the new party platform, and where conservatism has been replaced by Nationalism.

The Republican Party’s war against conservatism wouldn’t have had the success it did over the past many years if not for aid and comfort they received from the faux-conservative media, and I lost professional relationships because I refused to participate in their betrayal of conservative values.

For example, talk personalities like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity turned FOX News into Trump TV, and Mark Levin and Glenn Beck merged Conservative Review and Blaze Media to create the pro-Trump echo chamber known as BlazeTV.

Coronavirus hysteria has made the lonely road lonelier. People calling themselves Christians, conservatives, and constitutionalists often lambast me and make ludicrous claims about me (personally) and my work.

For example, some self-professing Christians following me on social media have accused me of being “anti-life” and essentially an accessory to homicide for questioning the actions of a government employing police state tactics to mandate masks as they shut down churches while keeping abortion facilities open.

Most recently, Twitter temporarily banned my account for using a header image of August Landmesser — an anti-Nazi hero who refused to salute Hitler — calling it an image of “hate.” On Facebook, my account is still restricted for an LGBT article I shared in 2018, preventing me from advertising my website and reducing the number of places my posts can be seen. Both of these actions have resulted in a dramatic drop in website traffic and income.

By the way, while I understand how these actions affect the number of followers and my bottom line, I don’t believe Twitter and Facebook are violating my right to free speech.

I’ve experienced an increasing number of people promising to no longer support my work, and most of them have kept that promise. But if my primary motivation was to increase the number of supporters and followers, I would have followed the rest of the faux-conservative media down the broad path through the wide gate of compromise a long time ago.

In other words, their threats are a waste of time because they won’t change my mission.

But with the lonely road of conservatism getting lonelier, a financial price has been paid because fewer followers means fewer financial contributors; putting plans for new equipment, website updates, and a new one-hour podcast temporarily on hold.

To make up for these losses, I need dozens if not hundreds of people to pledge $2 a month or more (link is in the upper right corner). And in this day and age of social media uncertainty, let me also ask you to consider signing up to receive my daily posts via email (link is on the right of this page).

If you’re a believer, I solicit your prayers. The spiritual warfare in my work has always been intense, but the battle in the heavenlies has grown in intensity lately. As Ephesian 6:12 tells us, “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”

The death of true conservatism and the rise of socialism is no longer in doubt. The only question remaining is how will we respond? For me, I’ll remain on the road of conservatism and my principals. It’s a lonely road and getting lonelier, but I would still rather walk the right road alone than walk the wrong road with the crowd.

One last thought.

In The Book of Jeremiah, we learn that Jeremiah was called to be a prophet at an unfortunate time as the decline of Judah was already well under way. When he followed his calling, many suggested that his message was one of condemnation, not salvation.

Still, Jeremiah delivered God’s message to a people desperately clinging to nationalism, and he was rejected. Jeremiah was considered a meddler and a traitor, and many people, nobles, and kings, alternately tried to put him to death.

I’m not comparing myself to Jeremiah, but I can certainly identify with his story.


David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.

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