John Kerry: First Amendment ‘major block’ to ending ‘disinformation’

John Kerry Joe Biden Donald Trump Kamala Harris free speech disinformation misinformation

John Kerry: First Amendment ‘major block’ to ending ‘disinformation’

Last week, former U.S. Senator, presidential candidate, and “Climate Czar” John Kerry called the First Amendment a “major block” to ending “disinformation” and an obstruction to advancing his climate change agenda. Kerry, who until recently was the Biden-Harris “climate envoy,” was whining about the Constitution at a panel hosted by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum (WEF).

You see, John Kerry and his statist friends want to shut down any speech that contradicts their globalist objectives or gets in their way (via National Review):

Former secretary of state John Kerry recently spoke at a World Economic Forum panel and lamented the First Amendment for being a roadblock to countering online “misinformation” and “disinformation” about climate change.

Responding to an audience question about “climate misinformation,” Kerry described how social media make it difficult to form consensus and said the First Amendment makes it difficult to weed out “disinformation” online.

“But look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick and has an agenda, and they’re putting out disinformation, our First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to hammer it out of existence,” Kerry said. (Emphasis mine)

As we all know, the WEF is a forum where global elites conspire to impose a one-world government that would target so-called misinformation and disinformation and make the U.S. Constitution obsolete. So, naturally they’re hostile to free speech and other constitutional protections.

Even though Kerry is no longer working for Joe Biden, his recent appearance at the WEF continues a years-long assault on the First Amendment in the name of advancing the WEF’s Great Reset agenda.

In April 2022, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security launched the Misinformation and Disinformation Governance Board (MDGB), an agency described by many as a defacto Ministry of Truth straight out of George Orwell’s 1984 designed to deny the free speech rights of people critical of government.

Biden and his DHS secretary took so much heat about the Misinformation/Disinformation Board that they pretended to cancel the idea, but as we learned in November 2022, the Department of Homeland Security had been secretly dismantling free speech using tactics that bear a frightening resemblance to the Ministry of Truth we read about in George Orwell’s 1984 in an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms.

At the November 2022 G20 summit held in Bali, Indonesia, leaders signed a declaration calling for the censorship of misinformation and disinformation, a measure fully endorsed by Joe Biden. Though the declaration focused mainly on climate change and Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs), leaders linked SDGs to the importance of online censorship.

A few months later (January 2023) at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting, a panel was assembled to discuss ways to counter “misinformation” with the intention of empowering the WEF to predict and mitigate what it determined to be misinformation on a global scale. Of course, “misinformation” was merely a word used to define an individual using their right to free speech to criticize the agenda of the World Economic Forum, particularly speech critical of government rhetoric concerning COVID.

In October 2023, Joe Biden took steps in the direction of the WEF’s misinformation scheme when he put former White House director of digital strategy Rob Flaherty in charge of targeting so-called misinformation on subjects like COVID vaccines, the upcoming election, and Biden’s past record. Flaherty was a key figure at the time in the legal case surrounding the Biden’s collusion with social media companies to censor content, and on several occasions pressuring platforms to take down alleged “misinformation.”

By the way, Flaherty is now serving as deputy campaign manager for Kamala Harris where he is focusing on her social media strategy.

Now, for all the Trumpists out there ready to play the “Democrats bad” card, I have some bad news: your mango messiah is fully on board with the idea of taking down the First Amendment.

In an interview with FOX Business host Maria Bartiromo a few months ago, Donald Trump confirmed his commitment to destroy free speech if it’s unfavorable to him and his ego when he issued a threat to “shut down” Google for being “very bad” to him and his campaign. Specifically, he accused the media giant of blocking some results related to his attempted assassination.

After noting that Facebook representatives had called him to apologize for flagging posts featuring photos of his assassination attempt with fact checks, Trump said, “Google, nobody called from Google,” and the proceeded with issuing his threat (via

“​​Google has been very bad. They’ve been very irresponsible. And I have a feeling that Google’s going to be close to shut down, because I don’t think Congress is going to take it,” the former president told Bartiromo. “I really don’t think so. Google has to be careful.”

Toward the end of the Fox segment, he also mulled stripping Google of its Section 230 protections and praised Elon Musk and X, as Musk throws cash behind a PAC supporting his re-election bid. (Emphasis mine)

If this story sounds familiar, it should for two very distinct reasons.

First, Donald Trump issued a similar threat against Google during his first term. In August 2018, Trump used one of his unimaginative cries of “Fake News” to go after Google for showing “only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media” whenever searching for “Trump News.” He went on to say, “In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories and news is BAD, Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal.”

This was not an empty threat. Trump’s economic advisor at the time, Larry Kudlow, said in an interview with reporters that the administration is “taking a look” at the possibility of regulating Google searches.

The second reason this sounds familiar is because shutting down unfavorable news and social media outlets is part of Project 2025 and Agenda 47, as I documented in the article, Project 2025 and Agenda 47: Donald Trump’s plan for a police state.

Joseph Goebbels-styled propaganda principles against the First Amendment helped Trump reap enormous support for his war against liberty, especially from the Trumpist Republicans. In an Ipsos poll conducted in August 2018 prior to Trump’s threats against Google, 43 percent of Republicans favored giving Trump authority to “close news outlets engaged in bad behavior,” and 48 percent agreed with Trump’s claim that the media is the “enemy of the American people.”

From January 2018 to August 2018, Trump renewed his threat to expand libel laws so he can sue news outlets for writing “bad things” about him, promoted the creation of state-run media, and threatened to revoke credentials for media outlets that reported negative stories about him.

In August 2019, Trump proposed issuing an executive order given the Orwellian politispeak title: “Protecting Americans from Online Censorship.” The order called for the FCC to create new rules to determine when Section 230 should apply and when it shouldn’t.

For the Trumpists in the audience who think that the inclusion of Donald Trump in this piece is unwarranted, let me remind you that he is already on the record that he will be a dictator on day one of his second term. In other words, he already intends to act independently of the Constitution.


David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties. He the author of The New Axis of Evil: Exposing the Bipartisan War on Liberty.

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