Obama to Coast Guard grads: Forget ISIS – fight global warming

Global warming larger threat than terrorismLast week, the Islamic State (ISIS) took over the Iraqi city of Ramadi, a city that American soldiers died to capture years ago. Before that was the fall of Mosul, and the next major city on the ISIS to-do list Baghdad. Meanwhile, Christians are being systematically exterminated from the country.

So it shouldn’t come as a big surprise that White House press secretary Josh Earnest recently declared the Obama’s ISIS strategy — Obama once referred to the Islamic State as the Junior Varsity team — an overall “success.”

With those pesky issues in his rear view mirror, Obama is now free to focus on real national security threats . . . global warming, a point he made clear during a speech at the Coast Guard Academy’s commencement ceremony.

Obama framed the challenges of climate change as a matter of national security that threatens to aggravate poverty and political instability around the globe and jeopardize the readiness of U.S. forces:

“Make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country … so we need to act and we need to act now.”


His speech focused on what Obama says are immediate risks to national security, including contributing to more natural disasters that result in humanitarian crises and potential new flows of refugees — yeah, like Mr. Open Borders is really concerned about that one.

Further, he sees climate change aggravating poverty and social tensions that can fuel instability and foster terrorist activity and other violence.

Wait a minute. Even though Secretary of State John Kerry said something similar to Obama, didn’t the Bimbo Squad at the State Department say that it was a lack of jobs and other economic opportunities that served as the cause of terrorism? I’m so confused.