I’ve received quite a bit of feedback from Trump sycophants who strongly disagreed with my analysis of last week’s election.
As is often the case when hearing from members of the mob that Trump said would support him even if he stood in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shot someone, their disagreements are based more on Trump’s rhetoric than they are on reality.
In the article I wrote the day after the election, I laid out how, despite claims to the contrary from Trump and his buddy Sean Hannity, Barack Obama had more victories than Trump. Based on state and local results, Democrats succeeded in doubling the number of states where they hold the “trifecta of power” (control of the governor’s office and both legislative chambers).
I also documented how these victories were due in large part to the work of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, an organization built by Obama and former US Attorney General Eric Holder for the purpose of electing enough Democrats to state and local government to give the party control over Congressional redistricting following the 2020 census.
This grassroots approach to creating decades of Democrat majorities will be picking up steam following last week’s success. In a recent interview on Hill TV with Catherine Vaughan, the cofounder and CEO of Flippable, a political action committee that focuses exclusively on state governments, she explained the motivation behind this approach to elections.
“States play a major role in national elections. The state (makes) policies on who gets to vote, how votes are counted, how district lines are drawn — which makes Congress so much more gerrymandered, and so much harder for Democrats to flip than it was before.”
Ironically, Vaughan advocates for gerrymandering in favor of Democrats by opposing it for Republicans. John Kerry would be so proud.
Vaughan is also targeting state elections for another reason close to Obama’s heart: experience. In politics, serving at the state level often becomes a stepping-stone to serving at the federal level.
“State governments build the bench for federal government. Almost 50 percent of members of Congress started at the state legislative level. Barack Obama was a state senator in my home-state of Illinois.”
According to a study by The Brookings Institute, Trump lost to Obama using another measure last week: endorsements. 28 percent (21 out of 75) of Trump-backed candidates won while 52 percent (39 out of 74) of Obama-backed candidates were victorious.
But the biggest win for Obama was experienced at the state level, and there will likely be many more in 2020 . . . and beyond.
David Leach is the owner of The Strident Conservative. His politically incorrect and always “right” columns are also featured on NOQReport.com.
His daily radio commentary is distributed by the Salem Radio Network and is heard on stations across America.
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