On this Constitution Day, everyone is missing the point about SCOTUS and the Kavanaugh fight

On Constitution Day, I commemorated the 232nd anniversary of the signing of that sacred document by explaining the system we adopted and how it applies to the times in which we live.

Our single biggest deviation from the Constitution is the practice of judicial supremacism. The entire Kavanaugh saga comes from the point everyone is missing – that we no longer understand what is and what is not the judicial power in the first place.

If both sides understood the proper role of the branch that was placed third in the Constitution, the confirmation fights wouldn’t be this nasty.



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Daniel Horowitz is a Senior Editor at Conservative Review where he writes in-depth daily columns about the hypocrisy in Washington of both the GOP and Democrat Establishment from a conservative perspective.

He hosts a nationally syndicated podcast, “The Conservative Review with Daniel Horowitz,” and is the author of Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges from Transforming America.

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