Under George W. Bush there was no ISIS. ISIS formed during the Obama presidency. Many may not like reading those words, but they are truth. Under George Bush a ruthless dictator was deposed (& executed), thousands were set free from…
It’s Conservative Comedy time at the Strident Conservative where I bring you some of the best conservative political and religious comedy, jokes, and satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your weekend. The Conservative Comic…
One of the objections to making Paul Ryan the replacement for the retiring John Boehner as Speaker was the fact that he was too close to the former leader philosophically and politically. It was believed that he would be nothing…
Patriots of America endorse Donald Trump for President. He transcends all other candidates. But if he wins the GOP nomination, an important question will be his running mate. What if Trump picks Ted Cruz for second spot on the…
In a series of interviews this past weekend by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and former governor Jeb Bush (R-FL), the two Republican presidential candidates made comments stating that efforts to resettle refugees from Syria in America should perhaps focus on…
In an announcement that wasn’t all that unexpected, former governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal announced that he was ending his presidential campaign. Now we need Jeb “Just Eliminate Borders” Bush to do the same, particularly in light of his recent…
Early in his campaign, now top-tier Republican presidential candidate, Ben Carson, supported ethanol—a position for which I called him out. It has long been thought, that to win in Iowa, a candidate must support ethanol. However, in a major policy…