As we consider a replacement for John Boehner as Speaker of the House, it’s really important to remember the A-B-McCs — Anybody But McCarthy! And while the odds are against us, the change we seek can begin with the House…
Donald Trump has shaken up today’s craven political establishment like Tom Paine shook up the Tories of colonial America. He has irreverently proposed genuine solutions to the invasion of “illegals.” He has attacked the poltroons of Washington and the talking…
Three days ago President Obama delivered somber remarks in the aftermath of the mass shootings at Umpqua Community College near Roseburg Oregon. “The reporting is routine,” Obama said. “My response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation…
The reason most often cited for the success of the nonpolitical candidates is the frustration with Washington; the sense that the system is broken. Voters feel that we have no control and that government has gone wild. Even people who…
A few days ago I wrote a piece calling for Mitch McConnell to follow John Boehner and resign from his leadership position due to his repeated failure to even attempt to stop Obama as he promised, his outright betrayal of…
The Obama administration is launching a campaign to accelerate the conversion of millions of immigrants to citizenship. The nation’s immigration agencies will spend big bucks on “outreach” activities and the Naturalization process will be streamlined. The goal is to add…
If you’re a regular reader of The Strident Conservative (or listener on KLZ560 at 3pm Mountain), you know that I have commented extensively on actions taken by Obama and the Democrats to create a new form of Gestapo in…