Ah, Quds Day. A day where peaceful Iranians can come together and celebrate the last Friday of the Muslim Holy Month of Ramadan. How inspiring it is to witness so many people unite for the common goal of wiping Israel…
When Nikki Haley, the RINO Republican governor of South Carolina, caved to demands by politically-correct extremists and their attempts to rewrite the history of the South and the Confederate flag, a promise was made that this would bring “unity” to…
As I wrote a few days ago, recent actions by the federal government are chipping away at our constitutional rights. As serious as that threat has become, there are signs that people are waking up to those rights and how…
Following the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami that caused the severe accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear reactor in northeastern Japan, all nuclear reactors were gradually switched off for inspections. No commercial reactor has been online in Japan for…
Pentagon leaders are finalizing plans aimed at fulfilling a goal of former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel — the lifting of the ban on transgender individuals in the military. An announcement is expected this week, and the services would have…
Since Obergefell v. Hodges concluded, we’ve seen a rampant uptick of opinions from Christians and those in support of same-sex “marriage.” Just Google “same-sex marriage opinions,” and you can browse through all 18 million hits. But something has been left…
As she led the ceremony removing the Confederate flag from the grounds of the South Carolina state capitol—the same flag she defended during her re-election in 2014—one time conservative and now a puppet of the politically correct, Governor Nikki Haley,…