It’s Conservative Comedy time at the Strident Conservative where I bring you some of the best conservative political and religious comedy, jokes, and satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your weekend. The Conservative Comic…
A little over a week ago I wrote an article that documented the efforts being made by pedophiles to justify, and even legalize, their deviant sexual practices by claiming that their behavior wasn’t a choice, but the result of their…
Donald Trump has been climbing in the polls even after his controversial comments about Mexican immigrants. During his announcement speech, Trump made a comment about how Mexico is not sending “their best” people across the border, adding that “they’re bringing…
ISIS is marching nearly unopposed across the Middle East murdering men, women and children as they spread terror and fear on their way to establishing a caliphate; President Vladimir Putin of Russia is becoming more aggressive with each passing day—he…
If you live in the United States, vote, pay taxes, and get your electricity from a utility company, you’ve helped the solar power industry. You support the solar industry through a variety of tax and regulatory policies—voted in by politicians…
Based on the “hands-off” reaction to Donald Trump’s recent comments on the subject, it’s no mystery that GOP insiders think that presidential candidates who oppose immigration, whether legal or illegal, will lose any chance of winning in 2016. But recent…
Dalia Mogahed, a research director for the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding, said that ISIS could exist without Islam because extremist groups simply use “the local social currency” to carry out their terror and that could just as easily…