Welcome to the Income Tax Day edition of Conservative Comedy at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best Conservative political satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin…
It is amazing that something that seems as up-beat as “free” electricity from the sun can have such a dark side. I started covering some of the shenanigans from the solar industry last summer when I wrote about the “Green…
Electile Dysfunction (ED) or political impotence is characterized by a politician’s inability or unwillingness to do the job he was elected to do, and is usually the result of being in Washington D.C. far too long. While this condition is reaching epidemic proportions in…
The story of rancher Cliven Bundy has captured an abundance of media attention and attracted supporters from across the West, who relate to the struggle against the federal management of lands. Bundy’s sister, Susan, was asked: “Who’s behind the uproar?”…
It’s time for some Conservative Comedy at the Strident Conservative. As I do every Friday, I bring you some of the best Conservative political satire on the internet, sure to provide a good laugh to begin your weekend. Attorney General…
The Strident Conservative, along with many others, took a lot of heat in 2012 for a story about Rick Warren’s embrace of Chrislam theology as a means to reach out to the Muslim community. Specifically, there were indications at the time…
This is the kind of response we’ve come to expect from a feel-good, we know what’s good for you better than you know what’s good for you, liberal after one of their liberty-stealing, budget-busting laws fail to work out…