Even though they haven’t officially changed their party affiliation, some big name Democrats are using the immigration reform issue to defect to the Republican party. No longer concerned about putting another Democrat in the White House when Obama leaves,…
CAGW Names Sen. Dean Heller Porker of the Month
(Washington, D.C.) – Today, Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) named Sen. Dean Heller (R-Nev.) its June Porker of the Month for using immigration legislation to solidify federal tourism subsidies in his home state. Sen. Heller appears to have held out…
Obama’s Climate Action Plan: emphasizing what doesn’t work, ignoring what does
For months President Obama has been in the uncomfortable position of straddling a barbed-wire fence—does he appease his ardent environmental supporters or advocate for economic growth that will help all of America? In his speech outlining his Climate Action Plan,…
Conservative Comedy 6/28/13
It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. We have a full plate of some of the best political satire on the internet to get your weekend started. The Conservative Comic at Hope n’ Change brings us two excellent commentaries this week.…
Cheap energy: a human right for the public good
A few months ago, in his State of the Union address, President Obama proudly pledged to tackle climate change—despite opposition from Republicans. To date, precious little action to combat climate change has been seen from the White House—which pleases most…
Conservative Comedy 6/21/13
It’s Conservative Comedy Friday at the Strident Conservative. Could Jay Leno’s criticism of Obama cause him some trouble with the IRS? Will Obama’s speech in Germany inspire hope? Is the economic news really as good as the President wants us to…
Marco Rubio Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall of Shame

As America faced the rising tide of Obama’s socialist-leaning policies, T.E.A Party organizations across America helped Republicans by supporting the election of Conservatives to the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate in 2010. Against this backdrop, Marco Rubio (R-ino) was elected to represent the…