The contrast between then and now, the past and present, is startling. Sitting in the Carson Mansion, overlooking the Humboldt Bay, watching the boats bobbing in the marina, it is easy to picture what life must have been like in…
Will Obama Use The Monument Act To Shut Down Energy In New Mexico?
New Mexico is once again on the bottom of the list—or the top, depending on your perspective. Forbes recently announced the “death spiral” states. New Mexico was the worst “with 1.53 takers for every maker” (Forbes defines “takers” and “makers”…
The Shale Gas Revolution: Reindustrialize the Economy
The United States doesn’t usually look to Britain for guidance—the last time may have been when Winston Churchill was Prime Minister. That time has come again. This time, the US should follow the leadership of Prime Minister David Cameron, who…
John McCain Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall Of Shame
As the Republicans continue their post-mortem of the November, 2012 election, an ever-growing chorus of voices—from members who call themselves Conservatives—are calling for drastic changes in how the party should operate in order to win in the future. Sadly, it isn’t the “batten down…
A Look At Economic/Energy Solutions From Both Sides
The stalemate going on in Washington about the fiscal cliff highlights the two very different economic viewpoints held, not just in Washington, but across America: more government, more taxes; less spending, lower taxes. But there is a third prong that…
Conservative Comedy 12/7/12
Have a great weekend!
John Boehner Enshrined In The G.O.P. Hall of Shame
As the tide of Obama’s socialist-leaning policies continued to rise, the T.E.A Party helped Republicans retake the House of Representatives in 2010 by supporting the election of Conservatives from across America. The beliefs of this new breed were based on…