Nobody pays much attention to the party platform—including the party, until some piece of it makes headline news. At last week’s Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Charlotte, the official “platform” was destined to the usual low profile until the Republicans…
Conservative Comedy 9/7/12
Jody Miller is back from vacation. We have two episodes this week. Have a great weekend!!
DNC Moves Obama’s Night From Fake Outdoor Stadium To Real Inside One
The Democrat National Convention decided today to protect Obama from the embarrassment of speaking to thousands of empty seats the public from inclement weather when the chosen one gives his acceptance speech as the Democrat nominee for President of the U.S. tomorrow…
Do Democrats Consider Lost Energy Jobs A Healthy Thing?
The Republican National Convention in Tampa displayed a large “debt clock” that ticked away at a rate of $10 million a minute, keeping the nation’s dire financial straits front and center. Had there been a companion counter with a chit…
Conservative Comedy 8/31/12
Newsbusted is off this week, so I’ve posted a few political cartoons that tie in to my Wednesday post, “The Obama-loving Media Resorts To Race Baiting.” As these cartoons prove, my observations were pretty much right-on! Have a great weekend!!…
The Obama-loving Media Resorts To Race Baiting
You would think that the media would at least try to appear to be neutral in the way they cover events leading up to the November elections, but this is the same media that refused to vet Obama in 2008 and…
Romney’s “Yes, You Can” vs Obama’s “No, You Can’t” Energy Plan
By: Marita Noon President Obama’s energy policies have kept investment and jobs out of America; Romney’s energy plan can bring money and jobs back. Analysts are picking apart Romney’s 21-page energy plan that was introduced in Hobbs, New Mexico, on…