Republicans willing to reject Constitution to give Trump more power
According to a recent poll, a majority of Republican voters expressed a willingness to reject the Constitution to give Donald Trump more power to do as he sees fit. Apparently, Republicans believe Trump could address America’s problems more effectively if only he didn’t have to worry so much about Congress, the courts, and most of the Constitution.
The poll was conducted by the Pew Research Center survey and provided the following gory details:
A 59% majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents say many of the country’s problems could be addressed more effectively if Trump didn’t need to worry so much about Congress or the courts. Republicans who say they ‘strongly’ identify with the GOP are particularly likely to say the nation’s problems could be more effectively addressed by giving Trump more power: 78% say this.
The partisan divisions were enormous: 90% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents concluded it would be “too risky” to give Trump more power without checks and balances, but according to the Pew data, a majority of GOP voters came to the opposite conclusion. (Emphasis mine)
I can almost hear the “fake news” cries of the MAGA crowd. But unfortunately for the cult, the Pew Research poll confirms earlier polling on the subject of abandoning the Constitution in favor of granting Trump unlimited power:
The Associated Press reported last spring on a national AP-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research survey, which found that 57% of Republicans endorsed the idea of Trump “taking action on the country’s important policy issues without waiting for Congress or the courts.”
An NPR/PBS/Marist poll, released around the same time, asked respondents whether they agreed that conditions in the U.S. had deteriorated to the point that “we need a leader who is willing to break some rules to set things right.” Among GOP voters, a 56% majority endorsed the idea.
For Republicans and Trumpists — but I repeat myself — who want to sweep this under the rug as a new attack by the liberal media, this willingness to shred the Constitution and give Trump dictatorial power existed during his first term and during his 2020 reelection campaign.
It the summer of 2017, conspiracy theorist and President of the United States, Donald Trump, began spreading a story about how millions of illegal immigrants voted in 2016―costing him the popular vote. While everyone not drinking the orange Kool-Aid saw this as nothing more than the baseless rantings of an egomaniacal narcissist who refused to accept that he failed to win the majority of the popular vote, there existed a frightening number of Republicans who believed him. So many, in fact, that they were willing to grant Trump power to prevent the 2020 election.
According to a Washington Post survey of over 1000 adults at the time — with an emphasis on 650 voters who were Republican or leaned Republican — 52 percent of those polled indicated support for postponing the 2020 election, if Trump declared it, until the imaginary illegal immigration voter problem was fixed. The number increased to 56 percent if both Trump and congressional Republicans call for the postponement.
These surveys confirm what I’ve been saying ever since Donald Trump rode down the escalator in 2015: the Republican party is no longer the home of Christian constitutional conservatives, and the Republican party, having morphed into a Party of, for, and by Donald Trump. Equally disturbing was how Republicans became what the once abhorred. Actions once condemned when Obama was in the White House were now openly condoned in their support of Donald Trump.
As I wrote in a previous article, Donald Trump has destroyed conservatism. But worse than that is how this destruction has led to the creation of a party willing to shred liberty and the Constitution in the name of more power.
To make matters worse, the faux conservative media — euphemistically referred to a Conservative (Con) Inc. — has completely sold out to Trumpism. We get a classic example of this reality from the Mark Levin/Glenn Beck partnership that created the pro-Trump echo chamber and home of faux conservatives now known as BlazeTV. And let’s not forget Salem Radio Network. This “Christian” broadcasting company has turned all of its programming into a pro-Trump propaganda arm, becoming what I’ve come to refer to as the Trump Radio Network — a talk radio network comprised of faux conservatives who used to stand for conservative values. This is where you’ll find notable “conservatives” like Charlie Kirk and Sebastian Gorka hanging out these days.
And let’s not forget the eternal worship and adoration being heaped on “God’s Man” by Evangelicals and the Fellowship if the Pharisees? Having compromised the gospel of Jesus Christ to join the cult, these so-called Christians have made the decision to do what’s right in their own eyes as they scarf down the crumbs falling on the floor from Trump’s table under the delusion that doing so means they are doing God’s will by occupying a seat in his dining hall.
The progressive assault on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has been going on for the past one hundred years, but Donald Trump could very well bring us to breaking point. At least, that would seem to be the case when you consider the results of this latest poll.
David Leach is the owner of the Strident Conservative and the author of The New Axis of Evil: Exposing the Bipartisan War on Liberty. He holds people of every political stripe accountable for their failure to uphold conservative values, and he promotes those values instead of political parties.
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