Regular readers and listeners know that I and many others have been warning for some time about how coronavirus has been the perfect “never let a crisis go to waste” opportunity to launch a 9/11-styled war on liberty. This is…
Does the Constitution support creating a federal police force? The Constitution doesn’t give the federal government authority over ordinary crime. Constitutionally and historically, crime fighting has been left to state and local governments exclusively. Article 1 Section 8 tells us that…
From the very beginning of his 2016 campaign to today, Donald Trump has been working at dismantling the First Amendment, specifically free speech and a free press. With yesterday’s FCC announcement about the plan to “reform” Section 230 of the Communications…
The college campus used to be a place for young minds to be exposed to new ideas in an atmosphere where free speech and free thought were encouraged and protected, but today the prognosis for free speech is terminal —…
In August 1971, attorney for President Richard Nixon, John Dean, released an internal memorandum about Nixon’s enemies list and how it would be used to take down “opponents” to his presidency heading into the 1972 election. The list, which was…
Coronavirus hysteria and the race toward tyranny it has wrought isn’t only destroying liberty in America, it’s killing our children via remote learning — and public school bureaucrats, teachers, and teacher’s labor unions are accessories to the crime. When the…
The 2020 election is drawing closer, and Donald Trump is behind in the polls, which means he’s recycling the same lies and broken promises he used in 2016 — including the promise to oppose gun control and defend the Second…