Don’t listen to the phony conservatives defending Gorsuch’s insane ruling. This will change our entire society. But it doesn’t have to be this way. I explain how other branches of government, the states, and the people can push back. Courts…
Trump’s “leadership” style is often compared to that of a corporate CEO, but in reality, it’s more like that of a mob boss godfather. In Bill Barr, Godfather “Don” Trump — see what I did there? — has a loyal…
In yesterday’s article where I detailed how the Fellowship of the Pharisees are 100 percent responsible for the Supreme Court’s pro-LGBT/anti-religious liberty ruling, I made a brief mention about how the “most conservative Supreme Court of all time” had also…
Yesterday, what some have called “the most conservative Supreme Court of all time” used a little judicial “abracadabra” to pull a non-existent inalienable right to transgenderism out of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act hat. Additional decisions released yesterday…
I feel torn between concerns as I watch the rioting around the country as well as the police marching the streets. On one hand, the rioters are wreaking havoc, destroying people’s businesses and lives, and severely injuring and killing people.…
Thomas Hobbes said, “The condition of man… is a condition of war of everyone against everyone”. Ultimately, this “condition of man” was his justification, his primary reason, for government. It was also the primary justification for the U.S. government. I’ve…
It’s a sad reality that many of our “representatives” in Washington have made “saying one thing while then doing another” a way of life. We see this every election season when they give us their list of promises they have…