Last week I wrote an article about how Republicans and Democrats are using the coronavirus hysteria as an opportunity to advance the Far-Left’s goal of releasing prisoners under the guise of not spreading of the virus. Though most of the…
Hardly a day goes by anymore that we don’t hear about nationalist Republicans working together with like-minded socialist Democrats on ways to leverage coronavirus hysteria into an opportunity to create a bigger, more tyrannical government. Over the past two weeks…
Back in February, I wrote a two-part series entitled While you weren’t looking, tyrants in Washington attacked liberty. In Part I of the series, I documented how Republicans were working on legislation that would give Trump and future presidents unlimited…
During the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation circus in the fall of 2018, Trump and the GOP Clown Show reveled in the political distraction it provided heading into the midterm election in the hope that it might save the party from the Blue…
Ever since Trump’s acquittal on two articles of impeachment in January, he and the bought-and-paid-for Republican Party have been diligently working to advance their Orwellian agenda. Under the Nationalist Conservative banner, they’ve adopted the goals of Democratic Socialism as their…
Did you catch Trump’s pro-criminal justice reform super bowl ad, an ad he’s said is needed because of the “very disproportionate and very unfair” treatment of black and brown people? Here’s it is in case you missed it: Glenn Beck…
What do socialism and cybersecurity have in common? If you’re Trump and the GOP, the answer is . . . EVERYTHING! Last week, I wrote a two-part series about legislation making its way through Congress that moves the government several…